I’ve been revamping the setup of my entire web portfolio, barring this one. No, this one will stay right where it is.
The rest of it is getting reorganized, though. I’m moving stuff around… which means that I basically have to recreate a lot of it, as the location of the scripts and pages are referenced in the databases, which are also moving.  I can’t help it, they have to move.
I’ve registered my domain through 2011. I figure if Google, or any other search engine out there, likes to consider the registration length in the relevance of their searching algorythms, then I better have a longer future than just one year.
My future is looking brighter. I haven’t felt this good about my future in a while now. Do you ever remember those moments in life where you feel like you’re in a rut. I’ve felt like that for over 3 years, up until the past few weeks.
I’m starting school 2 weeks from today. Nervous… Excited… Curious…  I can’t wait.
How’s that rambling to start the week off?