For weeks we’ve known that someone would die in this episode. Now, when I say ‘we’, I mean those of us who have a habit of watching every episode and look online for spoilers.
I went into the episode expecting Mr. Kent to die at some point. I didn’t read that in a spoiler, but I was just expecting it because it’s in line with the whole story of Superman.
When I saw Lana get hit by the bus, I knew that she was dead. The only problem I could see was that the episode was only halfway over. I was relieved to see that there would be another chance for him.
I felt horrible that after the knowledge that she’d have said yes, and now he couldn’t tell her his secret. Then she decides to split up with him, and I felt like my heart was about to stop for Clark.
Clark saved Lois from being electrocuted, and Lana shows up at Lex’s. A different, yet similar scene takes place, and he ends up chasing her up hwy 40 again. Clark makes it in time to save her inconspicuously, but the only thing different about her near-death experience is that Lex was there to console her.
As soon as I saw Jonathan looking at Lana as he was driving by, I knew that he was about to die. I didn’t think it would come down to something happening between Lionel and him when he came home to meet Lionel. He did give Lionel a good beating before he went into cardiac arrest, but as soon as he hesitated, I knew it was about to happen.
This episode was a real heart-stopper.
It really made me mad that Lana let go of Clark’s hand at the grave site and it looked as if she went in the direction of Lex. I guess this will give Clark even more reason to not want to trust or be associated with Lex.
I guess the only good thing that can come from this is the fact that now Clark will be free to explore a relationship with Chloe without having to worry about how Lana feels about it.