The concept of talking online for free has been around for quite some time. I remember 4 to 5 years ago, using one of the instant messenger services to talk to my parents instead of using long distance. It was pretty bad because we were both using dial-up service. It was kinda like talking to each other through a 50 mile toilet paper tube. I had to wait for their message to get through before I could respond. This process made a simple question and answer take about a minute or two. I kinda got burned out on it, especially after cell phones started to have long distance for “free”.
With the advancement of broadband being distributed to both my parents and my house, we have tried it probably once, and that was about a year or two ago. It was almost exactly like talking on the land lines. Skype has been around for quite a while now, and from all the reviews I’ve read, works quite well. Google has just come out with Google Talk. The interface is very simple, there are no avatars, and the visuals are only attractive to these eyes of mine because it is very simplistic looking. It is made to be easy to use. They are also working to make Google Talk open to connect to all networks.
The capability to connect to all networks AND be able to use VoIP is available in the Gizmo Project, which is a project that Michael Robertson is working on. Michael Robertson is the guy who was majorly involved in and Linspire 5.0 (formerly LindowsOS).
With the ability to use a bluetooth headset as your computer’s speakers and mic, you can talk as you would on a regular phone. It makes it very comfortable. I know this because I have a bluetooth headset (Plantronics 2500) that makes using my cell phone on the road much easier. I’ve also used it to replace my speakers on my computer when I needed the computer to be quiet, but wanted to hear everything the Big Brother 6 houseguests were saying on the Live Feeds.
If your budget is tight, you can’t get a cell phone, but you have broadband, your long distance can get a lot cheaper. It just takes a little experimentation, and you have to get your long-distance family members to install one of these programs on their computer.
Looks like the future of communications is getting better, and cheaper.