MySpace is Up

Ok, the site is back up, and I’ve had no glitches today since it started working again mid-morning.  I also heard on the radio about some power outtages in California because of the heat wave they’re experiencing.
I just got through working out… I mixed it up a bit, and it feels good right now.  I think I’m going to have to mix it up every few weeks so I don’t get into a rut.

MySpace is Down

Around 6:40PM last night, Tom posted a message on the homepage of stating that a power outage took out the MySpace servers.  They were hoping to have everything back up within an hour, but it took them a few more hours than they expected.
I browsed a few times during the day today and noticed that different parts were working better throughout the day.  Now there is nothing at  All I get is a message from Firefox that says is taking too long to respond.  Is MySpace really having power issues, or is it more than that?

Lazy Saturday

Yeah Right!
I mowed the grass last night.  That was a chore because I hadn’t been able to mow for like 2 weeks.  I had to keep half the deck out of the high grass because the belt came off of the wheels it was being so stressed.  It took me about 15 minutes to get it back on, but I figured it out.  I’m just glad it didn’t break.
I’m about to go out and spray the lawn for mosquitoes.  About 2 weeks ago, if you walked outside my house, you’d get attacked by thousands of mosquitoes that apparently nest in the grass.  I used a spray by Cutter that you attach to the waterhose to treat about 5,000 square feet of grass.  The next morning I might have seen 10 mosquitoes, but that evening when I got home I didn’t see one.
Apparently after one treatment, it is a good idea to spray the lawn down again a few weeks later to let the ground absorb more of the poison, and then you only have to spray just a little less than once per month during mosquito season (being in Texas, that’s like all year).
I haven’t done any schoolwork this week, but I do need to congratulate myself that even though I have done a lot of procastinating this semester, I have an A in both classes at the midpoint.  I had a 91 on my midterm for Accounting, but that was mainly because it was an open book test that was multiple choice and timed (strictly).  I only mention that one, because it was the one I was really concerned about.  Anyway, I have to do all my schoolwork today and tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get it out of the way today.
I have to work out today.  I meant to start working on my lower body earlier in the week, but I still haven’t started.  I did get some upper body workouts, and I also jogged 1.5 miles in under 14 minutes again (13:40).  That felt great, but it didn’t leave me any energy for my upper-body workout that day.  I didn’t get to finish it.  I guess I need to plan my workouts better.
My aunt and uncle from Texarkana are coming down today, and we’re going over my grandparents’ house to have dinner with them.  We don’t get to see them very often, and with his job, they don’t get to stay very long, either.  It should make the day come to a little more relaxing end.
Well, I think I’ll move past this method of procrastination and have some breakfast.

Daily Goal Tracking

I was doing my daily routine of browsing Digg, and came across this wonderfully simple tool.  Joe’s Goals helps keep track of how your days are going, based on how much positive and negative stuff happens throughout each day.  You can keep yourself in check by allowing friends to see your status.

The application is really easy to figure out.  You can see and interact with an example just by going to the main page.

Caught Cheating

I saw this story on Digg and had to post about it.
Apparently Emily started a blog a few weeks ago, back in June 2006, to be able to vent her frustrations.  I started reading from her first post, and knowing the last update, I could see the signs throughout the past few weeks. 
She found out through a Private Investigator between the time she started the blog and a week ago that her husband had been cheating on her with her best friend, Laura.  Just a few days before she found out, her best friend had passed out at her house from drinking so much, and had to spend the night.
The entire story is incredible.  Her last post included a picture of a billboard close to her (soon-to-be-ex) husband’s workplace that outted him for the dirtbag that he is.  I can’t say I feel bad for the guy.  I think this may cure some men from the temptation to cheat. 
If you missed the link above to her blog, I’ll post it again just to be sure you can find it.

Let me know what you think of her story.

New Yahoo Maps

I did a search on Google for an address in Nederland, TX this evening and Google Maps tried giving me a result that was miles from where I knew the address had to be.  Google’s results were almost in Groves.
I clicked the back button, and Google at least has the decency to link the map results to yahoo right after their own map link.  Okay, cool… we’ll see if this one is any closer… right on the dot… ok, I want to print directions for Christle, so I click on the directions link, and there is an option to try the new Yahoo Maps Beta.
Now I’m kinda excited when I type in our address and Yahoo finds my house precisely.  Google Maps has my house in the middle of an intersection 1/2 mile down the road, which isn’t far, but it’s kinda confusing.
Now, I know I live 50 miles east of Houston and 25 miles west of Beaumont, so there’s going to be some lag before all this mapping technology gets perfected, but how Yahoo Maps is more precise than Google is beyond me.  I thought Google’s name derived from the amount of money they had – Googillions… which led me to believe that Google would be the leader in this sort of technology.  Either having money doesn’t mean everything, or Yahoo knows how to keep their mouths shut about their finances, or they have some pretty brilliant people working for minimum wage.  Either way, if I had money to invest, I’d put it in Yahoo before they come out of Beta with their new maps.
The problem I have with their beta right now is the fact that anytime you move in a map, whether your panning or zooming, it creates an entry in your browser’s history.  I’d prefer the maps work within one page rather than create a new entry every time I move… hopefully they’re already working on the fix.

Sweet Seat

This has got to be the coolest chair ever.  I used a chair similar to this one a few years back, and it was the most comfortable chair I’d ever used.

The chair I used was plastic, while this one is constructed with solid metal.  I personally like the cool metal finish that helps keep from getting hot while sitting in front of my computer.

If you haven’t used a chair like this, I would suggest getting one right away to see how much more comfortable sitting can be.  Hey, there’s a 60-Day Guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose, right?

Have you ever used one of these?  How did you like it?

One Mid-Term Down, One to Go

I am working my way through the semester and it is happening slower than I hoped it would.  My meteorology mid-term was this past week, and my accounting mid-term is this week.  I am getting less time on my accounting test than I did on my meteorology test, but accounting is at least twice as hard as meteorology.
I haven’t received any kind of preparation material for the accounting test, and I’m kinda on edge about what to expect.
I’ve been looking into switching schools.  Having to attend classes will definitely put a strain on my clock.  The problem is that I know I will be better off in the future if I go ahead and make the change.  I guess I’ve just got to push through the complications, then, huh?

Sending Messages to the Unknown

There’s a site that allows you to submit your blog to be transmitted into space. It’s kinda neat to think about really.

Imagine that some alien species gets their first contact from earth, and it’s a blog entry talking about politics, or the world working together to end AIDS, or a rant about an argument someone heard on Big Brother 7.
I think it’d be kinda neat to see that the aliens recognized my last name, Kunefke, and thought my family was the leaders of Earth.

Read the Directions

I almost messed up my entire site this morning.  I was trying to update the theme of the blog to a more recent version, and I couldn’t even access the admin panel after uploading the current version.  It turns out that if I had read the directions included with the updated version, I would have known better. 
I’ll update it later, but I was really concerned that I had done something horrible for a little while.  I deleted the new theme from the themes folder, and everything returned to normal.  I guess this is another lesson that I shouldn’t take anything for granted… 
Why do some people say the phrase “take it for granite”?  Am I wrong, or are they?