Theme Switching

I’ve been playing with switching the theme of this blog.  I’ve gotten tired of it, even though the features of Neuron are my favorite.  I’ll see how I like Blix, and figure it out over time.  I just need a change of scenery for at least a few weeks.

Head Cold

I have a head cold. At least I think that’s what you’d call it. I love cold weather, but for the past few years, it seems like I’ve gotten sick quite a few times. I’m starting to question my love for cold weather.

Just When I Was Feeling Better…

I’ve been working out for the past week, and I was just starting to feel a little younger. Today I just received the postcard inviting me to my 10 year reunion next June. 10 years is a long time. I guess I better keep working out.

I’ve Never Been So Excited…

…about going to a baby shower. The cakes and cupcakes smell wonderful, and I can’t wait to dig in tomorrow. The main problem with that is that I’ve just recently resolved to losing some weight. I’m about 40 pounds too heavy and I need to lose some, if not all of it.
Last night I loaded up my ipod and went running for a while. It felt real good, and then today I feel worn out. Every time I sit down for more than 10 minutes, it hurts a lot when I stand up. I guess that’s part of progress.
I’m going to have to force myself to keep some kind of routine. Anyone know how to hypnotize yourself?


I feel like I’ve been struggling to get through this week. It feels good to sit down tonight and know I don’t have to get up at 7 tomorrow. I’ve been doing backups of my TV recordings and cleaning up my hard drive. It feels really good to have a clean workspace. I think I’m going to watch the first 5 episodes of this Lost season this weekend. I gotta make sure I didn’t miss anything before next week’s show.
We’ve also got the baby shower on Sunday. It’ll be nice to have that out of the way so we can figure out what we’ve got to get before Lily’s born.
Does anyone know of any digital cameras that allow you to keep the shutter open for at least 10 minutes? The longest I could find was only 30 seconds, and that was one from Sony and it costs about $1000. I’m pretty sure I’m out of luck on that without going to regular film, huh? I’d greatly appreciate any feedback.