Hurricane Tracking

I may have posted about last year when I was tracking Rita, but I had to post a link again. I was curious about where Ernesto was headed, and this one shows the average route from all of the routes predicted by several forcast models.

Check out this Map of Ernesto’s Path. I looked for a way to display the map here in my blog, but why reinvent the wheel, you know? So you’re just looking at a picture here.
One of the neat things to look at is tracking for an entire year, such as All of the Hurricanes in 2005.
What do you use to track hurricanes? I don’t know how anything could be more informative than this.

I Got Paid!

I posted a few weeks ago about and that post and a two others since then have been PayPerPost entries. I have been paid $20 for those posts combined!
I have received my money and was surprised to find that the site really is legitimate. I have used some other services in the past that were intended to make money easily online, and none have come to fruition. I will use this money to maintain the site. I will not post about anything that I don’t believe in, but I will post often enough to make enough money to keep this site up.

blog advertising

I’m going to make $10 for this post alone, just like I did in the original post. The reason I couldn’t post this earlier was because you have to keep the posts up for at least 30 days before you get paid. Hey, that’s a small price to pay for talking about a real money maker.

MySpace is Down

Around 6:40PM last night, Tom posted a message on the homepage of stating that a power outage took out the MySpace servers.  They were hoping to have everything back up within an hour, but it took them a few more hours than they expected.
I browsed a few times during the day today and noticed that different parts were working better throughout the day.  Now there is nothing at  All I get is a message from Firefox that says is taking too long to respond.  Is MySpace really having power issues, or is it more than that?

Caught Cheating

I saw this story on Digg and had to post about it.
Apparently Emily started a blog a few weeks ago, back in June 2006, to be able to vent her frustrations.  I started reading from her first post, and knowing the last update, I could see the signs throughout the past few weeks. 
She found out through a Private Investigator between the time she started the blog and a week ago that her husband had been cheating on her with her best friend, Laura.  Just a few days before she found out, her best friend had passed out at her house from drinking so much, and had to spend the night.
The entire story is incredible.  Her last post included a picture of a billboard close to her (soon-to-be-ex) husband’s workplace that outted him for the dirtbag that he is.  I can’t say I feel bad for the guy.  I think this may cure some men from the temptation to cheat. 
If you missed the link above to her blog, I’ll post it again just to be sure you can find it.

Let me know what you think of her story.

Dirty Little Secret: Kyoto Promises Are Nothing But Hot Air

“MANY governments, including some that claim to be leading the fight against global warming, are harbouring a dirty little secret. These countries are emitting far more greenhouse gas than they say they are, a fact that threatens to undermine not only the shaky Kyoto protocol but also the new multibillion-dollar market in carbon trading.”
I don’t know how any American with half a brain could support the US joining the Kyoto Treaty as corrupt as the terms were before this was published.
read more | digg story

MySpace is Good?!

With all of the negative press that MySpace gets, I thought this article needed to be spread around.  These stupid punks actually posted their plans on MySpace and surprisingly enough, someone had the brains to report it.
Read the article HERE.