[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=661pi6K-8WQ&w=600&h=360]
Category: News
Man-Made Global Warming Report Challenged
Finally, after just a few years, scientists are speaking out in rather large numbers to denounce the claims made by Al Gore in his political, and completely ridiculous piece of fiction. An Inconvenient Truth is being challenged by over 400 of the very scientists that wrote the report for the United Nations.
I, as well as many other Americans have known the entire time that the claims he made in that film were either incorrect or highly exaggerated.
I’m very excited that these scientists are banding together to clear their names and put a stop to the lies used to advance a political career.
Read more in the following link:Â Article – The Washington Times
Christmas Cantata
We’re having a Christmas Cantata this Sunday morning at Church. We’ve been practicing for several weeks and have one more practice before we sing it publicly.
We sang one of the songs during yesterday’s service and it was well received.
If you’d like to come and don’t know how to get there, let me know, and I’ll forward the information to you. I attend First Baptist Church of Stowell, TX, and the service begins at 11am.
Last night was really strange. I went to bed thinking that Humberto was just a tropical storm. I couldn’t sleep due to the noises the wind was causing my house to make.Â
About two hours after I laid down, the power went out and came back on several times. I heard a bang in the living room and went in there to find that my screen door was being banged around by the very strong winds. It was banging up against the door, making an awful noise. I would have opened the door and closed the screen door completely, but I didn’t want to risk a bodily accident by opening the door. Then the power went out.Â
I then noticed that the wind was driving rain into the living room window on the north side of the house. It was coming in pretty quickly. I put some towels on the window and tried to at least stop some of the water from coming in. I didn’t seem to be making much of a difference.Christle called her mom to find out what the storm was up to, and that’s how we found out that Humberto was a hurricane. We also found out about where the path was.
We live a few miles east of where I-10 turns N/E to go to Beaumont, and the storm was just south of us. Basically, the only thing we could think to do was to pray, get dressed in case we had to leave the house, and wait it out.Â
It took about an hour and a half before the wind started to die down, and another hour for power to be restored. Before the power was restored, I was able to look out the kitchen window, because the screen had been blown off, and saw that water was standing over my driveway. That’s the deepest I’ve ever seen the water level here.
I went outside and found that the screen door had been shattered, and glass was all over the porch. Our swing set was folded over on itself. Tree limbs were all over the place… I only specify ‘tree’ limbs, because there were no other type of limbs (separated from their host) anywhere on the property. The water was flowing very swiftly because it appeared to really want to get off my property and away from all the limbs… maybe it was confused about what type of limbs they were.
I finally got to sleep sometime around 5:30am. I got to work around noon.
This is where I have to explain the lesson I learned from this experience. Ever since evacuating for Rita two years ago, I have held to the plan of staying around instead of evacuating for another hurricane. I will not stay home, thanks to this experience. Worrying about the safety of my wife and kids during this was too much to handle. Given the choice, I’d much rather deal with traffic than to go through this again.
A Full Week of Technology
This week has been full of technology announcements. Hitachi announced that they will be releasing a 1 Terabyte hard drive by the end of this quarter for $399.00. The price is just over half of what most people expected the first Terabyte drive to be.
Apple introduced the much anticipated iPhone (name might be changed due to copyright). Check it out at the Apple website HERE. The features of this thing are sweet, but the price is just out of my range. Hopefully there will be a good price reduction for signing a contract with Cingular.
Microsoft introduced a new file storage and backup server that is meant for the home. Not everyone will really use one of these, but I’d recommend that everyone have some way of backing up their data. This is one possible way to do it with ease.
Those are the three that stick out for me. There were hundreds (if not thousands) more that I haven’t even seen yet.Â
A co-worker of mine went to CES in Las Vegas on Wednesday and Thursday. Â I look forward to hearing about the gadgets that interested him the most.
Best Buy Calls 9-1-1 On Customer Asking for Refund
I could not do this story justice by rewriting it. Make sure you read the entire story if you decide to start reading it. It’s pretty amazing how fast people with undeserved authority can overact entirely.
Have you had any experiences like this? I hope I get to experience it at least once in my lifetime.
Not MySpace
I no longer have a “space” on MySpace. I have officially cancelled my account and have removed the site from my hometabs. I saved all the pages that meant anything to me as a momento and also saved all of my friends’ links so that I can still check in on them every now and then. I just can’t interact with them on MySpace anymore.
The fact that I don’t have to check on who is trying to contact me or deal with spam in that extra service any longer feels good. I will also cut my advertising exposure by about a third.
I’ve secretly been dreading the followthrough of my announcement ever since I decided to make the announcement. I didn’t want to do it, even after I had made my mind up. I tried dropping my usage without dropping the account, but I just couldn’t make myself do it.Â
Christmas is right around the corner and I am really looking forward to it. The cold front that came through today really makes it feel more like Christmas.
Exposed: The Extremist Agenda
Glenn Beck did it and had the highest ratings in Primetime Cable News on November 15th. You have to see this video and understand what we as Americans are up against. I have listened to Glenn’s radio show for years and his television show is honestly the most refreshing thing on cable news right now.
I don’t know how long this link will remain active, but you can see the video HERE.
The Islamic terrorists do not want you to see this video.
If for no other reason, watch it for that one so that you will have a better understanding of what kind of people are out to destroy us and our way of life.
My Grandmother
She’s in the hospital. She had a heart attack yesterday just after 1pm. She hasn’t regained consciousness yet. I’m on my way up to spend some time with the family.
Hot Wind and Rain
After a cool weekend it rained all night last night. I got up expecting a little coolness to be in the wind when I opened the door this morning, and it wasn’t cool at all. The wind felt like it was coming straight from the Equator. It sucks that the weather has to get hot again so quickly. The good thing is that I got to mow the grass this weekend in 72 degree weather instead of 95-100.