Alarm Clock Followup

I didn’t need my backups…
Apparently during the night I turned the volume of my clock down the night before last.  When I went to check the volume last night, I couldn’t hear it because the volume was all the way down.
I guess it’s a good idea to just carry backup every night.

Alarm Clocks

I set my alarm last night for 6:22am this morning.  I don’t remember noticing it go off.  My alarm stays on until you push the button.  The sun woke me up at 7:35am this morning, and I was at work at 7:50am.
I had a long day, no lunch, and am going to bed now.  I feel good about my accomplishments today, so there’s no hard feelings toward the alarm, but I’m bringing in backups tonight for tomorrow morning.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.

I’ve Been Working

I’ve been preoccupied with work for the past few days.  I’ve been too busy to really post anything lately if you’re wondering at all.  That is, if anyone’s really reading my blog, anyway.
I’ve got a few things I wanted to post stacked up that I may get to tonight.

Catching Up

I’m getting caught up on a lot of things.  It feels good to get things done and behind you.
I can’t wait to move.  I’m looking forward to it greatly.  I just hope my work situation gets better instead of worse.  I’m moving farther away from Houston, but there’s a chance I may be working IN downtown Houston, instead of where I currently work.  It’s supposed to be just temporary, but some plans don’t go the way you want them to.
I’m looking forward to catching up with some old friends and making our old friendships current.  I hope living closer will make it a little easier to maintain relationships.
I can’t wait for teleporters to be introduced to the market…


I’ve been revamping the setup of my entire web portfolio, barring this one.  No, this one will stay right where it is.
The rest of it is getting reorganized, though.  I’m moving stuff around… which means that I basically have to recreate a lot of it, as the location of the scripts and pages are referenced in the databases, which are also moving.   I can’t help it, they have to move.
I’ve registered my domain through 2011.  I figure if Google, or any other search engine out there, likes to consider the registration length in the relevance of their searching algorythms, then I better have a longer future than just one year.
My future is looking brighter.  I haven’t felt this good about my future in a while now.  Do you ever remember those moments in life where you feel like you’re in a rut.  I’ve felt like that for over 3 years, up until the past few weeks.
I’m starting school 2 weeks from today.  Nervous… Excited… Curious…   I can’t wait.
How’s that rambling to start the week off?

Redesigning Again?

I’m looking for redesigns.  I’m probably going to use one from
I saw the site on Digg, and they have quite a few that can be used for free.  I’m trying to pick one from a few that I like.
I spent all day doing the same thing I did last week, so I’m exhausted as I’m on my way to hit the sheets

Take a Pill and Sleep Less

There are doctors working on this pill that will enable people to sleep as little as 2 hours a day and wake up feeling more refreshed than if they had slept for 8 hours without the pill.  This sounds like something I would definitely be up for.
I am always looking for ways to manage my time better.  With this pill, I’d be able to do a lot more, as well as spend more time with my family.
According to this article, one could possibly go several days without sleep.  They’re talking about cracking our actual bodies… in other words, figuring out ways to get around the natural sleep cycles.
I’ll admit, it’s a bit scary, and I’m sure they’ll also prove that use of the pill will shorten your life by 30 years, but, hey, I’d be willing to try it out.  If they prove that, I’ll take the pills that make me sleep for 22 hours a day once I retire.  It’ll all work out in the end.

MySpace Phenomenon

I don’t understand it.  Yet, I do understand.
I remember years ago when AOL was “the internet”.  It was fun to just get in a chat room and chat with random strangers.  It was easy to get to know people and even make up an alternate personality just for fun.
The funny thing is, as soon as I get my account set up on MySpace, I find Tagworld.  It was only a week later when I found Yahoo 360.  The same day I found the same type of service from MSN.
There’s one major problem with this.  There needs to be a centralized place for all of these services to interact with each other.  The problem with all of the chat services out there is that they do not open themselves up to communication with each other.  These new services will have the same problem if someone doesn’t address this issue.
The idea of MySpace is incredible.  Now that there’s competition, there’ll have to be changes.
I hope Michael Robertson has noticed the problem, and can come up with a solution.  He seems to have an answer to all of the internet communication issues.

Cleaning Up

We spent most of the day cleaning out my Aunt Leona’s house.  She’s still alive, but it’s a little complicated to explain.
She had bank records from 1969, at least that was the earliest date I saw.  She is a major pack-rat.  I used to think I had a problem with not letting stuff go.  I am a big waster compared to her.  It was really cool to see people who signed her memory book and the makeshift yearbook.  It looks like she graduated in the mid-thirties.
The house is in great shape.  They really kept it up well.
Oh, well.  I just wanted to log what I was up to today.