• Strange Dream

    I had a very strange dream last night (this morning).  I was at a wedding and a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in years was there.  We hung out and spent quite a bit of time together before I woke up. It seemed as if something was different about him.  He was less…

  • Life

    I was hoping for something big to happen today, but it didn’t.  I guess God has something bigger, but it’s really hard to notice anything bigger when what you do see doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to. I guess that’s just the way God made life… so that we can learn to…

  • ConcealedCampus.org

    I ran across this site this week when browsing my usual news sites. The organization is dedicated to keeping or reestablishing our right to carry concealed handguns on campus. Setting a standard of having “gun-free zones” does absolutely nothing for innocent, law abiding citizens, and tells those who would do us harm exactly where they…

  • Chuck & Journeyman

    I believe that NBC is currently my favorite television network.  I started tuning in on Monday nights to watch Heroes, but I’ve fallen into the desire to watch the shows that surround it. Chuck is a fun show.  I can predict a lot of what’s going to happen, but the premise of the show is…

  • WordPress Upgrade

    I’ve upgraded to the newest version of WordPress. It was relatively easy. Let me know if you notice any bugs in the site. It took a little longer because I had to figure out which FTP software to use since I’m on Ubuntu. gFTP looked like the program I should use, but FileZilla turned out…

  • Drew Carey on Medicinal Marijuana

    This video is on reason.tv. Drew Carey is doing a whole project with them discussing different issues. This is what I would call a very strong case for legalizing medicinal marijuana use. What do you think?