• Sarah Palin at the RNC

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCDxXJSucF4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1]

  • McCain/Palin

    I have to admit, in an earlier post, I was disappointed with John McCain as the Republican nominee for President of the United States.  He has failed to show true conservatism, such as when he lobbied for amnesty for illegal aliens.  I was holding off on a decision on my vote based on his campaign,…

  • July 2008

    Well, this month has gone by rather quickly. I made an A in my Summer I class, had a break, and am nearly 60% through Summer II. The new job is going better than expected, and the company I’m working for is the primary reason for that. Happy Anniversary, Christle! Nine short years down, and…

  • Second Amendment Defined

    The word in the Constitution that nailed down the definition of the Second Amendment is “Individual”. That’s right, individuals, not just military personnel, have the right to own guns for “personal use”. Reuters Article – Supreme Court finds individual right to own guns This is a big win for our personal freedoms. Before the ink…

  • Election 2008

    It is true that McCain is not a true conservative. I have come to the realization, however, that anything we could do to keep Obama (or Clinton if she had gotten the Democratic nomination) out of the White House, would be in our best interest as a nation. With rising fuel and energy costs, McCain…

  • New Job

    Well… a little bit has happened since my last post. I finished my second semester, and yes, I finished with a 4.0.  I started the first summer session, and I’m doing well in that class, although, it’s much harder than any other class I’ve taken so far.  Digital Applications is the class I’m taking, and…