I’ve finished taking my finals, but I still have a little work to turn in.
I have a final grade of 93.8 in meteorology. I was surprised at how high my score is on that exam.
There’s no way I can get an A in my accounting class. Hopefully I’ll have a B, but the final exam was faxed and mailed in by my proctor, so I may not know for a few days. I feel pretty confident about my performance on the final, but some of my assignments earlier in the semester didn’t cut it.
I have today to turn in what’s left, and after that, I’ve got nothing to do but wait and see what my score is. I’m looking forward to two weeks without having to do school work.
I’ve registered for next semester. I’m taking macroeconomics and marketing. I’m really hoping that neither one of those will be as hard as accounting was this semester.