Caught Cheating

I saw this story on Digg and had to post about it.
Apparently Emily started a blog a few weeks ago, back in June 2006, to be able to vent her frustrations.  I started reading from her first post, and knowing the last update, I could see the signs throughout the past few weeks. 
She found out through a Private Investigator between the time she started the blog and a week ago that her husband had been cheating on her with her best friend, Laura.  Just a few days before she found out, her best friend had passed out at her house from drinking so much, and had to spend the night.
The entire story is incredible.  Her last post included a picture of a billboard close to her (soon-to-be-ex) husband’s workplace that outted him for the dirtbag that he is.  I can’t say I feel bad for the guy.  I think this may cure some men from the temptation to cheat. 
If you missed the link above to her blog, I’ll post it again just to be sure you can find it.

Let me know what you think of her story.

2 thoughts on “Caught Cheating

  1. Her writing seems to be too good. Do you think the whole thing is real or could it just be a good story? Ha! Always the pessimist!

  2. There is some speculation to that out there on the web, but she continues to update her site using the same guy. He must be a really stupid actor or a really stupid husband.
    I would compare it to Joey on Friends when he posed for that STD picture… he couldn’t get a date for months because of that picture being posted all over the city.

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