I found this article at Popular Science – How 2.0
5 Things you can do with Google’s Gmail that make it the best free e-mail service
1 Join an exclusive club
Gmail is still in beta, so you’ll need an invitation from a member to open an account. Don’t know one? Visit the Gmail Invite Spooler (isnoop.net/gmail) to score one of the spare invites donated by current Gmailers.
2 Use it for storage
With your account’s massive two gigabytes of space, you can mail yourself file attachments up to 10 megabytes each, or just download the Gmail Drive shell extension (viksoe.dk ) to mount your account like a hard drive and drag files into it.
3 Label everything
While most e-mail services force you to file everything in folders, Gmail gives you labels. The difference: A message can have multiple labels. You can even set up filters to automatically assign labels upon arrival.
4 Search, don’t destroy
No surprise: Gmail has superior search ability baked right in. So it encourages you to throw all your e-mail into one big pile and search by sender, subject, date or content to pull up the messages you want. You can even use complex search strings that combine categories, such as “from:Jon label:family in:anywhere before:2005/5/21.”
5 Give it a new look
Finding Gmail’s design aesthetic a bit austere? Use Firefox and “skin” the site however you please with a custom style sheet. Download new styles from persistent.info, or learn CSS (style sheets for Web pages) and tweak the site’s appearance any way you like.
—Merlin Mann
If you’d like a Gmail account, let me know and I’ll send you an invite. Send me the email address you’d like the invite sent to, as well as your first & last name HERE.