Coincidence or Conspiracy?

I thought this was a pretty funny article about the supposed pictures of the attacked WTC towers being printed on the new $20 bill. I know it’s not “funny” funny, but the humor kinda cracked a smile in me.

Go Texans!

I’m surprised that the Texans pulled ahead at the last bit of Saturday’s game. They kicked a fieldgoal to win 17-19 in the last few seconds. I hope it gives them the enthusiasm they’ll need to get started in their fourth season and put some wins on the board.
Good game, yall!

For Sale

I’ve got all kinds of things I don’t need and there are many more things out there that I know I don’t need, but want. I think I’m about to go on an eBay selling spree. I’ve gotten rid of quite a few things using eBay, but I think it’s about time to get rid of some more.
EBay has made a little money off of me in the past few years, and I’ve got to admit, I’m glad they did, because it’s nice being able to get rid of stuff without having to go through the setup of a garage sale, and putting an ad in the paper just to get people to come look at my junk. I also get quite a few more people to look at it online versus coming to the yard sale.
The only real problem with dealing with stuff that way, is that I can’t get rid of old clothes for 25 cents a shirt and a dollar per pair of jeans… at least I think I can’t. I might just have to do a little experiment. Website

I am working on changing the website to look more personal, but with Tech Appeal. It may take a week or two, but it looks a little too… basic for my taste. I thought I had it a few months ago, but I guess everything needs time for real realization.

March of the Penguins

I saw the documentary “March of the Penguins” today, and really enjoyed it. It is absolutely amazing how much those creatures endure to survive during incubation, and how they withstand the cold by working together is just phenomenal.
Morgan Freeman made the whole thing seem that much more interesting with his familiar voice. I believe it was money well spent.

Big Brother 6 – What’s Going On?

Well, tomorrow night should be a very good episode. They were getting ready for the Veto or Food Competition, and there were fish. There has been fish ever since. Apparently the producers have called off all live feeds until tomorrow. We’re not sure if we have to wait for the show to air, or if we have to wait until morning when the houseguests have cooled down.
It makes for bad usage of the internet feeds, and makes me not want to subscribe to the feeds ever again. If they are gonna cut off the feeds for hours like this, then they are wasting bandwidth and our time. The reason people subscribe to the feeds is so they can peep in on people who are interacting with each other.
Fish are quite boring, unless you plan to add some sharks or squid to the tank.

Big Brother 6 – Janelle wins HOH!

I was so relieved that Janelle won, but her reaction was kinda childish. I’m happy she won, but she really should’ve been a better winner, and let the nominations be more suspenseful.
Howie was reacting kinda loudly as well. He should’ve maintained his composure so that he wouldn’t make the target on his back even larger.
James has to be on Cloud 9 right now, because he’s under the radar for another week. I couldn’t be more excited for him right now. The two teams are pitted magnetically against each other so much that he might be one of the last 3 in the house for sure.

Lost – Season 2 Speculation

I’m really excited about what’s coming up on the first few episodes of Lost this season. We’re supposed to see what’s in the hatch over the first three episodes and we also get to see what the other group of survivors have been up to (the ones from the back of the plane).
We are also supposed to see what happened to the plane itself and why it went down before the end of season 2. There was speculation that there would be a mini-movie about this on the DVD set of season 1, but apparently that might not have been done.
All of this is purely rumored and speculated.
I even heard that one of the aliens in the hatch is going to take control of the body of one of the main characters.

Smallville – Season 5

I’m really excited about Smallville’s 5th season starting up on September 29th. It looks like a fun first few episodes. According to some stuff I’ve read online, it looks like Clark and Chloe finally have “the talk” everyone’s been so anxious for them to have. Apparently Clark learns some new powers from his time in the Fortress of Solitude, and we get to see some of it in action as he fights two Kryptonians from the spaceship in the field that Lana found.
I don’t want to get into too many details, but it looks like it will be really fun to watch.

Gmail hits 2.5 Gigs

Well, my Gmail account just hit it’s 2.5 GB mark. I’m pretty sure everyone else’s did as well. I would consider this a major milestone in it’s progression upward. I’m only using about 75 MB on that email address, but I’m not sure how I feel about it.
I still feel like there’s a bunch of junk in there. I have this inherent need to go through and clean out the stuff I don’t need. I guess that I’m just not used to being able to search through my mail with an almost instantaneous search result. Using Google Desktop, I’ve had some times come up where I was able to find my mail in Outlook in no time flat. But I still feel the need to categorize all of the messages.
I guess I’ve just got to take the plunge and just stop putting labels on everything, except for the financial stuff, anyway.
Way to go Gmail! Thanks for the elbow room.
If you’d like an invite for a gmail account, shoot me an email.